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RS New Monster Daily

Since RS updated the first game content suggested by a RS player, so many players experessed their ideas to the game. Some of them sound really great, just like what we will introduce to you today, New Monsters Daily. Let's read and give your suggestions too.

Back in the days of yor, peasants would often falsify insurance claims. By insisting all manner of dangerous beasties wrecked their homes, and stole their donkeys. All these claims were later found to be fictitious, but those responsible died long ago of old age. Leaving the insurance companies with a financial black hole.

Until one keen staffer took action and published a monster making guide. Pocketing him millions of GP in sales, and copyright lawsuits. Luckily for you, he's allowed a small extract to be printed here:

The basics of monster making are rather simple, and can be done by anyone. Firstly take inspiration from the things around you, existing flora and fauna are a good base. Next combine what you have with something else, then make it gigantic.

Day 1, Sun Jugglers. They would look almost identical to Pawyas, except being larger and red in colour. Unique quills run down their backs and serve as a defence mechanism from predators.

In the desert mostly, but anywhere with a lot of sand and sun is a suitable home for them. It can be tricky to find them though, as they can create mirages with their spines & burrow under the sand.

Sun jugglers are aptly named, constantly switching up their style in combat & utilising the power of the sun. Stance Sun jugglers will auto attack with melee, but will additionally use ranged if the players too far away. They favour melee and will try to close in on the player. Occasionally they will do one of four things.

1. With a visual cue of their spines and tail rising, and an audio cue of them hissing. Launch a needle assault on the player dealing range damage.

2. Burrow underground and come up underneath the player.

3. Charge at and headbutt the player.

4. Cast a mirage utilising their spines, creating multiple fakes. These fakes mirror the sun juggler and attack the player identically, but deal no damage. They dissappear by attacking them, or dealing enough damage to the real one.

Stance sun jugglers will still auto attack with melee, but additionally will use magic if the players too far away. They won't try RS Goldto close in on the player.

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