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Tips For Leveling Up Fast In Wow When Solo - Questing

The number one question I get asked from my subscriber is how to lvl up fast in WoW!

It’s no secret that the games content doesn’t truly unfold until a player reaches the leveling cap which is currently level 90 since the release of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.

The problem is that many players have already leveled characters for both the Alliance and Horde before and have already experienced the “leveling” aspect of the game and simply want to lvl their “alts” fast in World of Warcraft.

One can find a lot of issues to actually take into consideration when you’re aiming to power level a character through WoW which explains why it’s tough to locate a power leveling technique that works all by itself!

Which is the reason why it is actually a good idea to stick to your own method and what you enjoy plus stick to common practices for leveling up fast in WoW when solo-questing which we are going to take a look at in the following paragraphs.

Best Solo Questing Practices To LvL Up Fast In WoW

How to LeveL up fast in WoW How To LvL Up Fast In WoWThe number one rule to lvl up fast in WoW when solo-questing is to gather all the available quests from the quest givers whenever you enter a new questing zone before actually embarking on any of the quests and completing them.

By following this system you are going to accumulate several solo quests in your questing log which means that you can strategically map out and calculate the most effective questing route.

You may discover after you’ve accepted a certain quest that it offers little value or perhaps involves a huge distance to travel to complete, if this is the case then simply abandon the quest!

Remember as well that you’re allowed to have up to 25 quests pending at any one time so don’t be overly concerned about taking on to many quests at once. The more the better!

Track Your Quests

Setting trackers on the following solo quests can be a sure way to lvl up fast in WoW, you will want to set a fresh tracker on quests that happen to be the next nearest quest on your map.

By creating a tracker, you’ll have a navigational way-point arrow on your mini map to help you find the following quest without straying off the beaten track. A simple shortcut for this is to simply open up map and then select the quest that you wish to finish next.

As well as following the most optimized questing route it’s equally essential for you to understand the purpose and objectives of the quest you will be completing!

It’s easy to arrive at a quests location and start killing every enemy on site without having actually checked the quest log first!

This can lead you to running around aimlessly killing the mobs when all you were required to do was obtain an item or parcel and return it to the quest giver or recipient.

It’s a wise idea to get in the routine of continuously referencing the map since you can easily check the objectives of a quest by selecting it and then checking your quest log located directly beneath your map.