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Ways To Help Consumers Discover Your App

There are nearly 1 million apps available in the app store and i billion of them are being downloaded every month. This makes app discovery a lot more challenging for developers, perhaps an even tougher mountain to climb than creating the app itself.

For app store seo, app discovery is juicy new territory to break in to. The app landscape is expanding rapidly, but its current lagging point when compared to non-mobile platforms, is search capability. Mobile marketing is becoming more competitive and to increase app visibility, brands with a mobile strategy should strongly consider implementing optimization strategies for ranking and maintaining a user-base through social media.The app landscape is expanding rapidly, but its current lagging point when compared to non-mobile platforms, is search capability. Mobile marketing is becoming more competitive and to increase app visibility, brands with a mobile strategy should strongly consider implementing optimization strategies for ranking and maintaining a user-base through social media.

Many people have the question ‘ if the app store optimization is the new seo?’ Many new factors are influencing app store, the app discovery engine, as well as Google Play’s use of Google+ endorsements to influence app store rankings are evidence of a significant change in how users discover apps.

Then the App name, app publisher, keywords and description , his installs, rating and reviews become very important factors that will influence if the app will be found. Some app developers use aso services to track rankings and help position important keyword result in app store.

Social media channels are a great way to increase awareness and engage users. Promoting through Twitter and Facebook as well as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can help amplify the reach of your mobile app.

Three avenues you can take are:

Facebook Connect

Twitter Promoted Tweets

Mobile PPC

Blogger Outreach is also a very important to make the users to discover your app.

Traditional blogger outreach is still a very powerful avenue in the mobile promotion space. A favorable review on a popular blog can spike and sustain downloads quite dramatically.

Chomp paid keyword search is a popular app discovery search engine that claims (Digg’s) Kevin Rose as well as Ashton Kutcher among its board of advisors. Chomp is redefining app search with auto search suggestion capabilities and search based on function rather than just names. There is a good chance that Chomp will eventually become a new version of the app store.

The global app market will be worth an estimated $174 billion by 2017, according to Global Industry Analysts. App store optimization service will be an integral factor affecting visibility and growth in the ever-expanding mobile market. ASO tools become increasingly available to developers, they will be able to improve the experience for mobile, working off a set rigorous performance metrics that can measure a wealth of user information. This will help App developers identify how to better engage and retain their app user-base and use this rich data to create better upgrades and apps in the future.