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Hi, Im Mike And I Am Addicted To Video Games

The first time I hook on video games, is when I played Atari 2600, I grabbed that joy stick and didn't lock back. My wife told me I need to join G.A (gamers anonymous). Hi, I'm mike and I am addicted to video games.

People who don't understand video games think they're only for kids. Not the games of today, the games come r-rated with violence Now that's a game. I don't like real life violence, but on the video game I love it. Games came a long way with graphics. they almost look real like. let's take any boxing game from xbox 360 or ps3.

You can see the sweat, blood, and black eyes on the characters, back in the day the boxing characters on Atari 2600 looked like 2 number 3's fighting it didn't matter to me I still Played it for hours because it was fun and that was the best graphics at that time.

Then came Nintendo with Mario brothers, I thought I died and went to heaven, Mario running around busting blocks, shooting fire balls, I played it so much I could beat the game without losing a life. I remember staying up all night without my mother Knowing, falling a sleep in class, that was the days.

My favorite games to play are shooter games, the first shooter game I fell in love with, was duck-hunt for the Nintendo, The game came with a gun I was shooting ducks all night I can still hear that dog laughing at me when I miss a duck. Then I played a game called sypher filter for the super Nintendo. That was my first special forces shooting game with mission to complete, you get to jump out of plane with a parachute and as you float down enemy's shoot at you and you shoot back.

Can't forget about contra the two player shooter game, who remember the code to get 50 free men (up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a,select,start). I will never

forget code.

Now we are in an online generation, I don't think it can get any better, I like online game play so much, I don't play the campaigns, I just open the game and go straight online so I can shot at real people it's more challenging and fun. I have a mountain of games I never played the campaigns on. One day I guess I will get to them, but for now I'm an online fanatic.

Is playing video games bad for you.

If you are paying your bills, what's the harm? They even have programs that pay you to sit on your butt and play video games. If you have a family to tend to like a nagging wife or girlfriend who want some quality time. Give it to her so she won't interrupt you when all your gaming friends get online.

Black ops maniac

Since the release of black ops I couldn't focus on any other game, it's like crack, the graphics are unbelievable the load-outs(guns and equipment) is second to none. the sound effects are totally amazing it feels like you're in the game, sometimes I don't feel like coming back to the real world I want to live in the video game. thanks to bills I have to come back to reality "boring" I can't wait for gears of war 4 comes out.

I love the way c.o.d integrate live chat with game play you can talk to your team as you hunt down enemy's in team death match, or talk strategy as you and your team mates plant a bomb at your enemy's base,if you don't want a team you can talk smack in the free-for-all game mode.