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Support Runelabs Minigame Rogues

Player suggested Runescape minigame Rogues in Runelabs. It requires 90 Slayer level and gives a small amount of slayer xp per kill. It includes 3 different mobs, the Battlemages, the Tricksters and the Vanguards. You can read carefully the following post.

The battlemages are rogue mages located in a camp next to the polypore dungeon. They are not aggressive, and it is a single-way combat area. They start with 35% adrenaline and can do special abilities that do not use up any adrenaline. They will attack in such a way that it is effective against you.

Their special abilities are Corrupt, Crystalline infection, Ancient Metamorphosis and Crystal Void.

Corrupt deals 166% attack damage, and inflict a further 200% attack damage over 6 seconds. Additionally, it gives you the Corrupted effect for 10 seconds. This effect gives you a 20% chance to hit yourself for 60% damage instead of the battlemage. Additionally, the effect disables the damage absorbption effect of spirit shields. Can only be used once.

Crystalline infection hits through your armour for 125% damage initially, and then applies a Crystalline infection debuff to you for 10 second. This effect thickens your armour with malicious crystals, which reduces your attack speed by 1 tick. Can be used up to 2 times.

Ancient metamporphosis can only be used while Metamorphosis is active. It enhancces the metamorphosis ability, increasing damage by 75% instead of 50%. It also gives the battlemage a soul-split like effect, which heals the mage based on 15% of the damage dealt. The mage's attacks can also induce a leech-like effect on your magic, reducing your magic damage by 10% which can increase to 15%.

Crystal Void summons 2 Crystal Spinners with 4000 life points each. They heal the battlemage by 1750 every 2 ticks and are not aggressive to the player. When the spinners die, they explode into sharp crystal, which damages the player for up to 1000 damage. If the battlemage dies while the Crystal Spinners are still alive, they will shapeshift into 2 Crystal Brawlers with 8000 life points each. They will then start attacking the player, and they have a max hit of 1200. They block tiles just like normal Brawlers and will try to surround you.

The other two parts will be presented in the following days.

One of the runescape players RS Gold suggested a god emissary system which he believes should be expanded to allow for those who love lore to induldge in new dialogue and new god factions. We'd love to see the new changes in Runescape, how about you?

This new expansion would also see god emissaries have some use beyond the emissary task system by providing post-quest rewards/dialogue and a new set of faction tasks which would provide players with a 10% xp boost during such tasks, new rewards such as cosmetics, teleports and other practical rewards such as XP lamps.

First, New Emissaries. Guthix, a group of discontent druids assemble on the streets of Taverley, concerned with the violent and questionable intentions of Godless faction. They argue for balance and peace: only Buy RS Gold through harmony can we truly honour the final words of the great Guthix.