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Burning Xbox Games

Are you tired of having to buy overpriced Xbox games? Have you ever thought of burning xbox games? Do you want to learn how to burn xbox games? With the prices of games rising nowadays many Xbox owners today face the problem of overpriced games. Stop paying for those overpriced game and save hundreds of dollars by burning them.

When it comes to burning Xbox games there are 5 things you need to have:

  1. Download Everything 4 360 burning software
  2. Your PC needs to have a DVD burner to burn the games
  3. You need to have a blank DVD disc or a whole pack would be preferrable
  4. You need a burning software
  5. You need to have a downloaded Xbox game

After you have all these things there are 5 simple steps you need to perform to burn the xbox games. The first thing you need to do is have your downloaded Xbox game. Then you put your blank DVD into your DVD/CD burner on your PC and from there you open up the Everything 4 360 burning software. When your burning software is open select the game you would like to burn to the disc and click burn. The disc shouldn't take too long to burn depending on the game and once it is done the disc tray should pop out and your game is ready to be played without any flaws! Who knew burning Xbox games could be so easy?

When you are burning Xbox games you always want to remember to have one of these two things. You either need to have your Xbox modified to be able to play the burnt games. The reason for this is beacuse in order for the you to be able to play the game, the Xbox needs to be able to recognize the type of files that are on the disc and you can do that by getting your Xbox modified. Or you can do what I suggest and stealth patch your game. What stealth patching does is it patches certain files in the games so that when your Xbox reads your game it reads it as if it were the original game and not just a burned one. The reason I suggest this method is because it prevents you from having to open up your Xbox to modify it and another plus is that with a stealth patched game you can still be able to play Xbox live!

So, when it comes to burning Xbox games remember that you need to download Everything 4 360 burning software, your pc needs to have a DVD burner, you need to have a blank DVD disc, you need a stealth patching software or your Xbox has to be modified, and you need to have a downloaded Xbox game.