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Tons Of RS Updates

Well, we are here to bring you with this week's Runescape update. Tons of improvements to Distractions & Diversions are made, with your long-anticipated Death Rework. So exciting to see so many improvements released in the following days. Read the details below.

Distractions and Diversions are short, fun activities designed to give you a break from skill training, while offering some unique rewards. The Ninjas have made a ton of tweaks and fixes to D&D this week.

In addition, there's also a new title, the Distracted for anyone who tries out all D&Ds featured in the Tracker. You can find out which you still need to try via the preview in the Title interface.

With your help in beta, they've reworked Runescape's Death system. There's now more freedom in how you reclaim your items and more leeway when things go wrong, while retaining the risk in your most dangerous adventures.

When you die, as long as you're not in the Wilderness or in a safe area, your items will be stored by Death for 24 hours of in-game time. You will be able to claim back your items in exchange for coins. Items that would have degraded on death, won't do so if reclaimed from Death's storage.

If you choose not to reclaim items from Death immediately, your gravestone will spawn when you leave his office. If you choose to try and get back to your gravestone and don't make it, Death will still be holding your items.You can return to Death within 24 hours if you wish to claim some of your items back later.

In the Wilderness, or in safe areas, none of the above applies. Death mechanics in PvP situations are the same as they've always been, with the exception that a stack of items is now treated as a single item for purposes of item protection.

Solomon's Store update, the perfect shade of purple or an exceptionally eye-catching ochre? Prismatic dyes are for you in Solomon's Store.

More updates are coming. Get yourself ready for Cheap RS Gold that.

Summer is already here. This year's Runescape Summer Special is available now. It will last for 3 months which keep you covered for this summer's red-hot Runescape content. They are coming up, Tuska, Grandmaster quest about Seren, Raids and so on. You can totally look forward to the offers.

During the summer months, you will get access to the Enlightenment aura, which doubles your XP gain for an hour each week.You will also benefit from Cosmic Foresight, a summer-long passive RuneScape gold effect that lets you gather reputation for the goebie homeworld, in advance of its release later in the year. This is the location of Runescape's new raids and Cosmic Foresight gets you a head star.