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The New Xbox Console – What Will We See At E3?

A New Xbox at E3

The prospects are good that we will see a new Xbox Console at the E3 conference, but will it be the one we expect? A top Crytek source told Online Games last June that Time Splitter 4 was under development for the Xbox 720. That same source also stated that Microsoft would announce the existence of a new Xbox console within the year and the rumors began to circle that a reveal was sure to happen at this year’s E3 conference. When the 360 was released back in 2005, Microsoft touted a ten year life cycle on the platform. This year marks the seventh year for their aging console.

A Lite Version of the 360

MS Nerd, a deep throat rumor mill on all things Microsoft, claimed in a Q and A session on the Reddit website, that the next console from Microsoft would be the Xbox Lite. The Nerd claims that there is a new console that is much like the Apple TV device. This set top unit's main applications would include streaming video, playing downloadable games and social applications. The release of this console makes some sense when you consider the direction Microsoft took last September. It was then that they announced Xbox TV. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO, Showed off the TV service at a financial analyst meeting. The Lite console is rumored to include the PC-compatible Kinect. This could be important because Ballmer used the Kinect as the controller to browse the content, and make selections during his demo. More information describing the Lite it appears the new console would have no disc drive and could be based on an ARM-based architecture, best of all, it is rumored to cost only $100.

720 Console Next Year - Maybe

So why would Microsoft release a lower cost console instead of a flag ship product? Since the 360’s release back in 2005, Microsoft has stated repeatedly that it was a ten year life cycle on that console. This makes year seven and the 360 continues to innovate with additional products like the Kinect. With the introduction of streaming video/ media service, Microsoft has a base of over thirty five million current Live members who would potentially become customers to the video service. News and information about the Durango continues to circulate and is growing. The next generation console is one hot topic in the gaming industry.Microsoft has become one of the most sold gaming console on the market to this point with over fifty five million units sold. They will release a flagship product and it will be beyond bleeding edge, the question is when? The Xbox 720 rumors to this point' I believe make it a release date of 2014. What do you think? Will Microsoft have the next generation console ready by next year?