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Escape Into The World Of Games

During all stages of our life, if there is one thing that we need to cope with everyday, it is stress. Whether it comes from the hefty assignments by that evil teacher during school, the upcoming exams during college life or the overly nagging boss at work, stress can affect our lives adversely.

People who are constantly under stress start to encounter various health issues such as headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, insomnia, etc. It is therefore necessary to get rid of all the negative emotions as early as possible. There are various methods ranging from taking walks to breathing exercises that people use to get rid of (or at least subside) the stress in their lives. However, one very common stress relieving method is often overlooked, which is playing online games.

There are two major reasons someone would consider using online games to relieve stress

It Saves Time

Online games do not consume large amounts of time. All you need to do is a few clicks here and there and you are in the gaming world in no time. This method is far better than hunting for open coffee shops, especially late at night. Moreover, excessive caffeine may cause you to feel worn out after its initial buzz wears off.

Online gaming is also better than social networking as the latter can stretch to long hours without you even noticing it.

An Alert Break

Online gaming helps the mind wander away from stress causing elements, but simultaneously prevents it from shutting down completely. It is believed by several that a short online gaming session can quickly revitalize you and increase productivity.

Some people take online gaming very seriously and to good effect. They include breaks specifically to include playing online games into their daily schedule. For example, when they complete a milestone, they reward themselves with a few minutes of online gaming. This method, based on what psychologists refer to as positive reinforcement, or motivation by reward, has been known to increase productivity in various individuals.

Contrary to the widespread belief that playing games are bad for you, online games can actually help increase your productivity and relieve you of stress. It has been observed that a few minutes of engagement in online games can increase productivity manifold.

About the Company

Digital Wizards is an independent game development company specializing in the design and development of intuitive, fun, online-multiplayer games. Digital Wizards embraces the values of hard-work and dedication, but what makes them distinctive is the background of their first major project, 5-Empires. Their approach to 5-Empires is simple enough: create a game they could enjoy playing themselves.