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RS Hybrid Dual Wielding Combat

Everybody want an awesome ability to let them shine in the combat. They want to use a sword, a corssbow to win the combat. And actually, runescape need some new abilities. That's why we are here. The idea is from The Iniquity, one of the rs forum players, proposing a set of new abilities for hyrbidding each possible combination of 2 styles.

As general themes, Range/Melee should be about controlling the distance between you and your target to balance your ability to stay safe from damage, and your ability to deal damage, with abilities focuing on either closing distance, creating distance, or attacks with potency dependent on your distance from your target.

Melee/Magic should be about sticking in close, and assailing your enemy with a slew of damaging effects, DoTs, set-up and set off type debuffs like storm shard and shatter, while using your powers of telekinesis to make sure they can't escape, either by dragging them in, or launching yourself after them.

Magiv/Range should be about keeping your distance, crippling your target, binding, stunning, weakening, until they become too weak to withstand your onslaught any further.

Here are some ability ideas. Advancing Assault, a channeled Range/Melee threshold in which the user begins charging towards the enemy, firing light damaging shots from the ranged weapon with each step, ending in a heavy melee hit onece the user is in range. When used from a greater distance, more shots would be fired, increasing the overall damage, but giving the victim more time to prepare for the biggest hit.

Retreat Raid, a Range/Melee basic in which the user hits the target with a light, dazing attack before jumping backwards and firing a shot at the legs, putting distance between combatants, and briefly binding the target.

Magnetic Grasp, a Melee/Magiv basic in which the user drags an enemy up to 4 squares closer, and applies a stack of the "Magnetism" debuff. The magnetism debuff increases the consumption of run energy, increasing with each stack.

Pretty interesting idea. We like how he could add more variety to the current combat styles this way. If you do like rs gold this, please support this idea on Runelabs.

To add more fun in runescape, and make is much more player-like, they are trying to assemble the suggestions from rs players, no matter quests, items or other small thing. Most of you should have your own ideal quest and so do we. We want to pop up the new quest: Brassica Rising.

The idea is for a low-level, self-contained quest with lots of light-hearted fun harkening back to the simpler days of Runescape before elder gods, dragonkin, mahjarrat and just about everything else on and off the planet decided to kill everything.

To start this quest, you would speak to Herbert the Quartermaster, located in the Lumbridge Crater. He will tell you that Melzar the Mad has offered to host the first Church of Brassica Prime in the basement besides his Maze.

Heading to Melzar's Maze, you will find the basement on the east-facing wall, perhaps put a cabbage patch there to rsgoldfun Runescape gold make it more noticeable. Melzar, a firm believer in the Cabbage of Jas, will send you on your way to find believers of the cabbage god.