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5 Reasons To Pre-Order Battlefield 3

The release date for Battlefield 3 is set, and EA have some exciting news for those early birds who want to prepare for the big day. I cant wait for the release, and cant stop thinking about it so have come up with this list of the top 5 reasons why you should pre order Battlefield 3.

5. Day 1 access to the DAO-12 Shotgun

For those who remember this insane shotgun, enough said. For the new comers, the DAO-12 Shotgun has a 12 round magazine and packs a punch. It is the shotgun of choice for those close encounters, and with the hugely increased access to the insides of buildings, having this gun at day 1 will give you that extra edge you’ll need to get up in the ranks and gain your other unlocks quickly. This gun now supports 4 ammo types, one of which is completely exclusive to those who pre order Battlefield 3.

4. Exclusive flachette ammo for DAO-12

As mentioned previously, this exclusive ammo is armor piercing, and contains 1 inch tungsten darts which will rip through metal, wood , even other players. Flank yourself round to the side of the enemy front line and rack up multi-kills as these ammo rounds shred through skull and bone.

3. Exclusive flash suppressor for SKS sniper

Another exclusive item only available to you if you pre order Battlefield 3 is the flash suppressor for the SKS sniper. Use this to keep your position hidden when sniping especially in dark areas such as windows of buildings, or dark forests. This is a must for those who know the importance of survivability.

2. Exclusive weapon Type 88 LMG

Blur the vision of suppressed enemies when you combine the efforts of the Frostbite 2 engine with the exclusive Type 88 LMG. With equipped bipod the Type 88 can be setup to provide maximum accuracy with reduced recoil and take control of key areas on the battlefield. Enemies suppressed by this weapon are also unable to heal, adding a new element to battlefield control.

1. Back to Karkand Expansion Free

Reminisce on the hours of fun we had on Battlefield 2 with immediate free access three of the most loved Battlefield 2 maps; Strike at Karkarnd, Gulf of Omen and Sharqi Peninsula. These maps have been revamped with the new Frostbite 2 engine, bringing you the same original maps with stunning graphics and lighting effects, not forgetting the destruction capabilities. Imagine tearing down cranes and buildings under construction with artillery strikes on Sharqi Peninsula, or exposing enemies hiding in Karkand buildings by blowing a hole in the wall with a tank shell. Dont forget its likely youll be able to capture all this on video as Battlefield 3 hints battle recording features!

So there are my 5 reasons, the release date for Battlefield 3 is nearing so make sure you get your hands on the limited edition for free and pre order Battlefield 3!