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Make Piles Of Gold Mining During The Mists Of Pandaria Expansion

If you've played World of Warcraft for a while then you'll know the two key factors for making huge piles of gold during the first few weeks of the release of a new expansion is knowing what items to farm for and where exactly to farm for them!

Mining is a great profession that many players can make some nice gold from but seasoned players know that mining is especially lucrative during the launch of any new expansion.

The simple strategy to making huge piles of gold during the first few weeks of the launch is to simply level your mining profession as far as required in each zone before quickly moving on.

The key here is to get ahead of the pack!

As you ,progress through the zones quickly you'll scoop up those precious new ores before the other players meaning you can pretty much set the starting bids for these items as they are going to fetch a lot of demand during the first 3-4 weeks of the launch of the new expansion.

Each new expansion the Blizzard have incorporated into the game has seen 3 new ores introduced into the game and the same is true for the Mists of Pandaria expansion.

The new ores for Mists of Pandaria are as follows:

  • Ghost Iron - located in Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds and Krasarang
  • Manticyte - located in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Dread Wastes, Townlong Steppes and Kun-Lai Summit
  • Black & White Trillium - Townlong Steppes, Dread Wastes and Vale of Eternal Blossoms

As you progress through the zones and scoop up the ores you'll want to list them in the Auction House quickly and watch the market closely. The highest demand is during the first few weeks as there is low supply this is why it's key to progress quickly.

Ghost Iron will be the first ore you come across and is located throughout the lower level tiers of the game.

Manticyte will be the next ore you discover in the mid region of leveling and will fetch some nice gold if gathered quickly!

Black& White Trillium will fetch a nice price in the Auction House so it's worth racing through the games content especially if you have an "alt" and bypass quests in order to race ahead into the higher levels where you can obtain this precious ore.

That's a quick and easy method for making some nice gold during the first few weeks of the launch of Mists of Pandaria.

If you're serious about getting ahead of the other players then you may want to consider using an in-game addon designed to help you level your profession.

I personally use Zygors Professions guide, the team at Zygors guide will be updateding their addon for the new expansion and will help you level your profession and gather the precious ores before anyone else.

Please note that certain aspects of the proposed changes in Mists of Pandaria may be subject to change as Mists of Pandaria is still in beta at the time of writing this article.