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Madden 12 Ultimate Team

What is a Madden 12 Ultimate Team

I have been playing the Madden 12 game and it has a game mode called Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) . If you have read my Madden 12 review i went into it a little bit, however I am going to elaborate on the mode and possibly help you get going to become a great MUT player.


You start off by picking a name and then you get your starter pack of cards. These cards give you enough to play games it includes player cards, a coach, a stadium, a playbook, jerseys, contract cards, and injury cards. You also get a certain amount of coins to start out with.

Buying cards

I personally used my start up coins to by packs of cards. You have bronze, silver, gold, and premium gold cards. You can also buy an off-season pack and legendary packs. The last two options require actuall money not just game coins. You can have also have a total of 100 cards in your deck.

Playing a game

Now that I had enough to play a game you can play the computer, you can play against friends, or online, or even in tournaments to earn more coins. I started by playing the computer on pro difficulty. After a few games and earning coins I jumped to All Pro difficulty. Soon I want to be playing on All Madden which is the most difficult. You also earn more coins by playing tougher difficulties or even more coins by playing online.


Once you get going and you buy more cards you start to duplicate cards which helps you start collections. First you will want to send your cards to pending collections, not only does it free up card spots for more cards but it makes sure you don't lose a card that you need for a collection. Today i just finished 4 collections,a great thing about finishing collections is that you get a card that is not in any packs. I got a Barry Sanders 99 rated card which is the highest, all for just one full collection . There are so many collections I won't name them all but I will go into a few. I got all the AFC and NFC coaches, as well as all the Stadiums. This gives you quite a bit of coins and really helps you solidify a stellar team.

Auctions and Trading

Once you have duplicate cards and you have put them in collections you can post them on the auction block. I found this to be very successful. With so many cards in your deck and in your collection I would post the cards i already have for coins.Someone will search the auction block for certain card type. Each card has a minimum of coins you can post it for. For example I always post bronze cards for 1000, silver 2000, and gold 3000. So if I had a bronze coach card that I have in my collection I would put it up for auction for 1000 coins. That helps them sale easily, and its beneficial when you need to buy a certain coach for a full collection that it is placed at that equal value. You can also put cards on the trade block and trade them to someone else, If you put them on your block people will see the card and offer you something. If you search for trades it will show what they may want for that type of card.

Now what

Now that you have started the sky is the limit. You will be ready to be a great MUT player! You can keep playing and get your friends going, or win tournaments with a super team, or myself i am going to try and finish a lot of collections. Get going start it and you will see it is super fun and addicting. I hope this got you off to a good start and enjoy MUT!