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Getting World Of Warcraft Gold

The primary currency of World of Warcraft is gold. Not real gold of course (that would be a touch expensive, don’t you think?) but a digital gold. You need it at the auction house, or to help you grind rep, or to buy your supplies from a vendor. If you are a dedicated WoW player, you might even have invested in your characters through buying gold from an online gold farmer.

Why Gold Farming is Bad

Don’t do that! Buying gold from a farmer is bad for many reasons. For one, by providing your credit card information you might have your identity stolen. Suddenly, buying a few thousand gold has cost you a few thousand of your hard-earned dollars. For two, by buying gold you are supporting sweat shops. Yes, in countries like China they actually force people to farm WoW all day for gold that the ringleaders then sell to you. I think you get the picture.

What Buying Gold Costs You

“But,” you say, “I need that gold! How else can I buy that great item from the auction house?” A quick glance at a search engine shows that gold costs your somewhere between $1 and $3.50 per lot of 1000. For reference, you already pay $14.99 a month to Blizzard for your WoW Subscription. Purchasing just 1000 gold a month effectively increases your subscription anywhere from 6 to 23 percent!

Getting Gold the Easy Way

Rather than shelling out more money to people who don’t deserve it and who may steal your identity, get World of Warcraft gold yourself. Don’t go yet. It may sound hard, but getting World of Warcraft gold yourself isn’t anywhere near as difficult as you think. Gold farmers want to fool you into thinking that the only way to get large amounts of gold is to spend large, tedious amounts of time doing unfun things in the game. That’s how they get you to pay for it.

This idea that getting World of Warcraft gold is hard is simply not true. You can get gold in WoW without the boredom. In fact, you can do things that can make you so much gold, even in Cataclysm, that the simple act of making all of that gold will put a smile on your face. You can take the basic ways of getting World of Warcraft gold like farming gear, gathering mats and playing the auction house and supercharge them.

Make Your Choice

Getting World of Warcraft gold can be as simple as finding a farmer’s site and entering your credit card information. However, this ease comes with the risk of identity theft and sweatshop support. It’s better, easier, and more fun to just get the gold yourself. Don’t believe the myth the farmers tell you about gold. You can get it yourself.