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Wii Softmod

People who own a wii console are wondering what a wii softmod is, and what the benefits will be if they do a wii softmod. Others try and explain this with all these technical answers that still leave you scratching your head.

First off, lets talk about what a wii softmod is, without getting to technical. A wii softmod is software that you install on your wii to modify the hardware of the wii consoles original intent, that the creators developed. It basically manipulates the hardware of the restrictions, and lets you unlock your wii. And by doing this, it allows your to backup games, use sound cards, video cards, and opens it up to the wii homebrew channel. For now it's not only legal, but is the safest way to unlock your wii without voiding the warranty.

Most wii softmod software is very inexpensive, in comparison to the benefits you will gain by doing a wii softmod. Most are under 30 bucks. With the ability to back up wii games, makes a softmod very appealing. It lets you copy an existing game onto a usb card. You could literly take a friends game and copy it so you can now play a game you did't have to buy. This one feature alone could save you hundreds of dollars.

Having said that, the creators try to come up with newer versions of the wii, in hopes to stop this from happening. But the wii gaming community seams to stay one step ahead. I believe in the near future, the creators will either do one of two things. They will either get in on the wii softmod bandwagon, which I would do, or they will end up spending thousands of dollars trying to stop wii softmod from being distributed. If you can't beat them, join them. They should offer the wii softmod to their customers. Let it be up to the customer whether they want it or not, and sell it seperately.

Now, if you are interested in doing a wii softmod, be careful where you go to do it. There are people who will offer to do a wii softmod for free. As tempting as this sounds, don't do it. The free file sharing can be dangerous to your wii. Without knowing, you could be install malware and a virus onto your console, which is the case in many free file sharing platforms. So be warry. The only way to protect yourself from this is to pay for the software from a trusted site.

In conclusion, you can see that by doing a wii softmod, you will gain so much more gaming power. Your wii will be opened up to do so much more than the creators intended it to do. And being able to save tons of money, is the best feature of all. If your on the fence wondering if doing a wii softmod is right for you. By knowing what it is now, and all the benefits it has to offer. It's clear to see how awsome this software really is. Happy Gaming

The safest and most reliable place to get a wii softmod can be found on the wii loader site. Go to the wii homebrew channel and check out what people are saying about it.