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Cloud Laser Art

A new art form in the future will be CLA. Cloud Laser Art. People can go to a place where there are laser units, sit out side in a small shielded area and draw on the clouds. It would be fun and a great form of self expression, which would make humans very happy. We know that mankind likes to use the natural environment for self expression from cave drawings to rock piles near road ways and graffiti on rock formations. The idea of drawing on clouds is much better, because the cloud eventually dissolves and like an etch-a-sketch is ready to start over. This will be similar to what happens after Ice Carvings, Ice Sculpting is alive and well in North America.
We have all heard of Sand Castle building and contests, which go on around the world.

Often you will watch kids throw rocks into a glass clear pond or lake. They will throw one rock in and then another and say; “Okay, those are the eyes.” Often people star up into the clouds and try to imagine a face, shape or resemblance to something in the 3D physical world. We have often seen pictures where the clouds appear in the shape of Jesus or a face and everyone calls it a miracle. Many people gaze up at the clouds and attempt to allow their minds to find a familiar shape or form. One might call this a frame burst from the brains memory and the mind fills in the rest and a seemingly regular cloud takes on the imagination and a new meaning. An interesting sub topic could be this article on visual stimulation and the brain:

People are fascinated by these coincidences. Rock formations often look like people from certain angles. The fallen “Old Man on The Mountain” was one such anomaly. Today we look to Mars and see faces in sediment and erosion features.

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