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Weaponizing Micro Air Vehicles

The age of the flying hand grenade is almost upon us, but how will hand grenades ever fly? Well the fact is they already do. You see the enemy, that is to say the enemy insurgents sponsored and paid for by Iran fighting to destabilize Iraq are using RPGs or rocket propelled grenades. And of course the US troops have hand grenades also. But in the near future small UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will carry lightweight hand grenades and deliver them like a miniature WWII remote control model aircraft.

Eventually even smaller single mission MAVs or micro-air vehicles will fly to the enemy and blow up like a miniature Kamikaze remote control model aircraft. When is all this taking place? Well both sides are working on these things now, but of course the United States is well ahead of the other foreign army research teams.

Is this a new idea? Oh heavens no. You see, even Tom Clancy discussed this in one of his novels. Little dragon fly micro-air vehicles would sit by the enemy runway and wait until the enemy fighters took off and they fly above the run way and get sucked into the jet intakes and explode, taking down a multi-million dollar fighter aircraft in seconds. Now consider this technique on an advancing army or group of international terrorists along side a road waiting to ambush American Troops? The flying dragonflies would see them, fly over there and explode, end of insurgents? Consider this in 2006.

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