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Generational Issues and Concerns About Teenage Video Gamers

Many are concerned over the current most popular video games on the market. It is, at least for a parent somewhat alarming to see the titles and sequences of these games. Many parents are wondering what on Earth the world is coming to with all the blood and guts, violence, nudity and sex in these latest video game titles.

So, every generation complains about the current generation and if we have a moral decline perhaps the video games are this generations boost towards that already declining human condition. Maybe I will go out a purchase a violent video game for my new computer and check it out myself, since you are so sincere about this issue.

I must confess in watching the G4 Show when rating video games that they rated games higher which had more blood and guts and realistic death scenes of characters being shot, mangled or what have you and it did make me wonder if this is really the right direction to take the gaming community.

Yet in the news we hear about a “gunman” who opened fire on a crowd. Rather than a murderous international terrorist; we have reduced it to gunman? So, the desensitizing to killing is more than just a video game issue. It is an over all issue and the video game industry has taken the ball and run with it, because this is what people want or teenagers anyway.

Each and every parent must take some responsibility for the games their children play and they must indeed be careful of the content. Some violence perhaps and all good things in moderation, but perhaps you might like to see what games your children are playing while the door is closed? Do you know what video games your child played today? I do, said the devil. Consider this in 2006.

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