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The Sylvari Biographies Select of Guild Wars 2

Biographies select choice is one of the characteristics of the Guild Wars 2, and have a great relationship with the gaming experience in the future, because you chose a different task biography, the main line inside the game is not the same, simple take human as an example, if you choose nobility, you will survey the aristocracy culprit who premeditated poisoning, the beggar is Infernal Affairs penetrate into the enemy. Here is the Sylvari task biography introduction.

I dreamed of a quest that calls me to action. It was a vision of the _____.

The White Stag — The White Stag is a creature of enchantment, an immortal beast with great power. It is said that the stag will trade a magical boon for its freedom, if I can catch it.

The Green Huntsman — I saw a powerful huntsman in green armor, his face obscured by vines. He was defeated, but did not submit; was killed, but did not die. Dare I face him in battle?

The Shield of the Moon — The moon is a powerful symbol of healing and magic. Any who dream they’re protected by the moon shall have faith and fortitude. I hope I’m worthy of such a vision.

I believe that the most important of Ventari’s teachings is _____.

Act with wisdom, but act. — It is one thing to know what is right and another to change the world. We all have a calling. I will distinguish myself through my actions and thereby lift Tyria to a higher state of nobility.

All things have a right to grow. — The blossom is brother to the weed. Diversity of opinion is good. Discussion is healthy. No one should be condemned simply for being different. I will stand up for the rights of all.

Where life goes, so too, should you. — The world is a delicious and gorgeous place created for us to explore, enjoy, and protect. I will seek out the lessons in every experience, and as I grow, I will have more to offer in return.

The Pale Tree awakened me during the _____.

Cycle of Dawn — Sylvari awakened at dawn is natural talkers, diplomats, and forward-thinkers. We are intimately connected with our surroundings and markedly empathic toward all, even other races.

Cycle of Day — Sylvari awakened mid-day solve problems by attacking them head-on. We are the warriors, hunters, and travelers who experience life first-hand and enjoy the rush of taking risks in order to feel truly alive.

Cycle of Dusk — Sylvari awakened at dusk are naturally curious and thoughtful. We love to learn and spend time reading and studying. We are intelligent and drawn toward the luscious complexities of magic.

Cycle of Night — Sylvari awakened at night is secretive and cautious with information. We make our own decisions, and we come and go as we please, nimble of mind and body.


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