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U.S. Service Players Complain about Diablo 3 Dead

Recently, a U.S. service player post complaining in the official forum, saying that now when log on “Diablo 3″, only a few people online in buddy lists, is Diablo 3 dead? The paste immediately attracted a large number of players to crowd, most of the players think that the player’s view is overgeneralizations.

The players wrote in the post, after logging in today and I found only two people recently logged in the friends list, one is me, others are all AFK? I had wanted to join an open game and playing with friends, nothing now. In the Post replies, some players view that probably because it is not the weekend, so the friends will have other arrangements, not on the line is normal. Also some players think that may be too few friends of the players, you can try to give much friend, so that you have friends to play with. There are gamers who think that the player must deliberately post to discredit Diablo 3.

it is many days distance “Diablo 3″ global on-line, from the beginning of number one is hard to find but now teammates hard to find, it seems Diablo God 3 “players enthusiasm has slowly diminished. Then what cause the players enthusiasm waned?

1, the game content is exhausted

Diablo God 3 on the line is not a long time, but there are many full level players to get through purgatory mode. A player upgrades from 0level to 60level, at least through the plot for three times. For a stand-alone game, the difficulty will continue to overlay, but the experience the plot for three times is enough for some players who were only play the story but not the pursue equipment.

2, the game server appear problems

Due to less global opened “Diablo 3″ server, the influx of a large number of players gave game server much larger burden, high latency block has been affecting the experience of the players. Faced with the gradual increased monster, any block of the player’s will cause the role died and even more high maintenance costs allow players to discourage, out of frustration, some players can only choose to give up.

3, operation and management issues

faced vulnerable server, Blizzard did not resolve the problem timely, many times without advance notice to maintain or continue to delay maintenance, gave the players resulted in a very bad experience. Faced pressure from players, Blizzard proposed compensation scheme, it is clear that the compensation package for non-sale of players is equal to a piece of paper.

From the share of “Diablo 3″ of South Korean Internet cafes, compared with the first week on-line has been a substantial decline, its first ranking position is already precarious. Diablo 3 players, do you still fighting in the game? May you have diminished the enthusiasm on the Diablo 3? is an experienced website of Tera. Click here if you are interested in cheap <a href=”http:///”>Tera Gold</a>.