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Guild Wars 2 Novice FAQ (3)

Guild Wars 2 official FAQ, covering all the aspects of the game, so players who interested in Guild Wars 2 should be to take a look at this, this will be very helpful for your Guild Wars 2 tour!


Q: Is there player proprietary house?

A: Yes, each role will have a home copy, located in the capital of their race. According to their biography choose, the house will be different. With the development of the personal stories, the home will change.

Q: Is there news about the task?

A: The traditional task system will be removed and replaced by the dynamic event systems. The dynamic events occurred in a region of the world; any player can find and get involved. The main quest and cooperation mission Guild Wars 1will be replaced by personal storyline. The personal story involves a custom story narrated by the copy mode.


Q: Is there day and night cycle in the game?

A: Yes, this cycle will be faster than reality. Some emergence of the events and monster relate to it. For example, the Centaur will attack the camp at dawn; the ghost will come and go in the night in the ancient battlefield. This cycle is every two hours, including 80 minutes day and 40 minutes night, but we may change before the formal operations.

Q: We can explore the underwater world, what will happen?

A: You can explore a lot of interesting underwater world, which means that breathing is not a problem. Friendly races and events were introduced in this region.


Q: What is PvP system?

A: There are two kinds of PvP mode has been announced. World versus World, or called world PvP is a huge, ongoing pattern, not limited level and unlimited number, players can participate in at any time. Another is structured PvP, or called Arena PvP, is divided into two types, one type is the competitive battle, similar to the guild war 1, both teams play against another. Another is the pick -up play, individual players or teams fighting under the specific rules in certain map. Some activities (game), like bar brawling and snowball fights also belong to PvP.

Q: Is there a Player-killing?

A: Players can only PK in PvP area.


Q: An account can join different guild?

A: Yes, each role can choose to join different guild. An account of all in the guild role will be displayed as a member. If a character belong to a guild, it will be necessary to invite other roles in the account to join the Association.

Q: Is there Guild-based activities in the game?

A: There will be guild achievements. The Association also occupation positions in world PvP.

Q: Does Association role have race restrictions?

A: No, the Association will accept all races hero.

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