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Guild Wars 2 engineer upgrade strategy: flamethrower Build

flamethrowers Build :Both offensive and defensive,

the foundation of This Build is to make your enemy go around your injectors as much as possible, so you need to take advantage of your allies or skills to make them stay around. The most use injector Build should use dual wield single pistol, every dynamic event can be finished by the Build. You can complete the heart-shaped tasks, skills challenge tasks and so on, but the premise is that you can play team battles to play the largest role.

Features: simple and approachable, injury and practical

1-10 scale:

You should train your weapon skills from beginning while paying attention to your position in fighting. When your one-handed weapon skills practice well (three skills); you should hold double pistol to practice weapons skills until you open flame spraying skills.

This stage, the monsters are relatively easy, so the fault-tolerant rate is higher. Therefore, you have a period of some time to become familiar with your skills. Note that you get used to the keys set in the settings, because the habits of a game mode will gradually form from the very beginning. If you wait a long time to modify the keys, you will feel very uncomfortable. In addition, you have the freedom to choose the backpack skills and you can choose a health care package and bomb package, so that you can be both offensive and defensive. However, the final decision lies in your own, choose your favorite and familiar skills.


This level, you will have enough skills to unlock your second layer of skills. Open flamethrower as soon as possible because it is your Build core. You need to constantly practice once opening.

Napalm with the flamethrower to burn the enemy is a cool move especially when you are faced with a large group of strange, that scene is simply spectacular! When enemies are too close, you need to use the bomb skills to explode them, you will be able to complete by three times in the blasted. When you deal with a single BOSS, it is the test for you, pay attention to switch your double pistol skills and satchel skills.


Once you reach 21, you need some other talent. This time you need to add your firearms and crit damage, these talent will make your flamethrower unleashed. If you find dual pistols more easy to use than flame spraying, pointing out HairTrigger would be a better choice. This time you should have enough skill points to the point R Pharmacy, you can consider it to replace your Samp turret which is a good choice for you and your allies.


Continue to point your firearm talent, and point out Fireforged talent. Develop a skills-conditioned reflex, ready to replace your skills. Because once you enter the copy, you need to switch your skills depending on the circumstances at any time. In addition to guarantee that you can learn elite skills, make sure to point your supply crates. These things will give you a powerful boost; I think there must have something you want.

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