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How Long To Level Up From 85 To 90 In MoP ?

WoW cataclysm is coming to an end. In cataclysm expansion,wow players tried hard to reach lvl 85 and make himself to reach the highest extent. Now,with MoP coming up soon,lots of players who have reached lvl 85 are asking “how long to level up from 85 to 90 in MoP?“. To help you level up fastest from 85 to 90 in MoP, hereby share with you few guides about leveling up in Mists of Pandaria.

The first zone for level 85-90 is the Jade Forest which contains level 84-85 NPC and pleased to discover that Horde and Alliance begins at completely different location with different quest line to make wow gold 5.0. One of my pet peeved with Cataclysm was that the questing is almost the same for both factions in the level 80-85 zones.

The Jade Forest level 85-86 Horde and Alliance starting area. There are 7 new level 85-90 zones in total which contain plenty quest for you to complete to reach level 90. For example I manage to get up to level 86 in the The Jade Forest zone and I have only completed about 50% of the total quest in that zone without heirlooms or dungeons.

Horde will begin on the Northern side of the map and Alliance will begin on the Southern side. Questing will move your character towards the middle of the Map where you will share the neutral city (Dawn’s Blossom). Even though this is a shared neutral town (like Shattrath and Dalaran) there are no guards that will protect you from PVP so players in PVP servers beware

A good guess is that we should gain 1 level per zone (and you only need to complete about 50% of it) and with 7 zones total you will still have 2 full zone of questing to complete once you reach level 90! That is a lot of new content in comparison to the Cataclysm expansion which only offered 5 new zones which you almost complete 100% by the time you reach level 85.

There are 7 new level 85-90 zones in total for you to level up fast from 85 to 90 which contain plenty quest for you to complete to reach level 90. If you’d take the less time level up from 85 to 90, you can also buy wow mop gold from http:// , with enough gold at hand,you can reach lvl 90 within few hours. If you have interest,take a look at this site you can also find useful wow mop news there.

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