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Best Spots to Farm Lichbloom in World of Warcraft

Lichbloom is one of the most profitable herbs in Wow, players can farm it and earn wow  gold very fast in the game, but which is very hard to get, so what’s the best spots  to farm Lichbloom in World of Warcraft?

Lichbloom is an herb gatherable by herbalists that can be found in level 77-80 zones.  Alchemists can use it to craft various potions. It is looted from Icy Ghoul.

Storm peaks overall is good, but with everyone and their grandma grinding Hodir rep  lately, you may find that there’s too much competition around Dun Niffelem for  profitable routes. I generally make loops around Engine of the Makers, and find plenty  of herbs. If the Dun Niffelem area is sparsely populated by players on your server,  definitely go there. I used to pick herbs there while hunting frost chips and would  come back to town with 6+ stacks of Lichbloom and Icethorn after about 2 hours.

Doing something somewhat productively when you are multitasking like watching a Dvd on  your other screen – makes the farming time better spent and while maybe ungoblin  like,between Lotus’s, Icethorn, Lich blooms, and the Eternal Life’s I get out of it   it’s not a bad little cash cow place.

Best spots to farm Lichbloom in World of Warcraft:
Farming Lichbloom in Storm Peaks
The best place to farm Lichbloom is in Storm Peaks. Storm Peaks is easy to navigate as  a farmer, stick on the inside of the cliff faces and close to the ground. Loops around  the zone as shown in the following farming map and you will find a lot of Lichbloom  and Icethorn.

Farming Lichbloom in Icecrown
Just like Icethorn, Lichbloom is found all over Icecrown. The problem is it’s to  lined up in nice straight lines or patterns. Instead there are distinct groupings of  Lichbloom and Icethorn. Follow the route below to find the most of both herbs:

Farming Lichbloom in Wintergrasp
If you’re farming something else in Wintergrasp, like Eternals, you can also farm  herbs. You’ll find both Lichbloom and Icethorn scattered around the zone randomly.  There is no effective route to follow, just fly around. That is why I don’t recommend  this as the top zone to farm Lichbloom.

Keep checking on, players will find more Wow Pandaria gold farming secrets.


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