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World Of Free Online Games On The Rise

A latest report on “The Forecast of Online Games Market” by DFC Intelligence, states that the estimated worldwide revenue for online gaming could reach upto $35 Bn by the year 2017, from $21 Bn in the year 2012. One of the main reasons for the growth could be that, the manufacturers of the next generation of gaming console systems, to the large extent, are working towards online distribution of their games. According to the DFC Intelligence Analyst, David Cole, 39% of the console games revenue by the year 2017, will be through online revenue sources and online distribution of the games. These reports clearly show the growth of online gaming.

Nowadays, online gaming has become an important part of people’s life. It is not only popular among, children and teenagers, but among men and women too. According to the reports, about 41% of the gamers are women and 43% of the gamers are aged between 25 and 49. These gamers play free online games, just to relieve themselves from the stress and frustration they bear, while working and carrying out their daily tasks. Techno & gadget freaks or people who like to buy advanced and updated systems every month for themselves, always feel a certain vacant gap in their life. They are always in search of something new and interesting. For such people, it is necessary that gaming industry keeps on upgrading itself and thus it is doing.

After all, change & evolution has always been a part of life. After expanding the market of online gaming through 3D games, industry is working towards expansion through motion gaming. Developers are even using complex graphics, colours, and high quality sound effects to attract and influence the gamers. There is a broad market in front of them; all they need is to grab it. Online gaming can also be effective for the purpose of market research. It is the best way to learn about the interests, preferences and technical know-how of the people. It can even help in promoting of a brand or an offering.

At the end, I would like to state that playing online games is not a worthless activity, if played in limit. In fact, it can make us improve or acquire certain skill sets such as dexterity, reflexes, problem-solving skill and decision-making skill. It won’t become an addiction if people just play it for fun and relaxation. Games are a part of our life; not our life.

Author: Marshalshall is an ultra conservative fan of online games and firmly believes that gaming is the best way to reduce stress and kill frustration. He also writes about them on blogging sites, forums, and online portals and updates all other fans about the new editions in the gaming world. He himself visits various gaming sites to check out the games which complements to his interest and build new innovative ideas. He suggests everyone to visit Tarmo Games to try out all the best online games and be a frequent and regular visitor.