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Lottery system- History and its benefits

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Gambling is very common all around the world and it is going since before Christ. Gambling include some sort of amusement alongside winning money depending upon your luck and predications. A part of amount via the process is also being provided to the government of particular area for the development purposes. Therefore it also helps both the government and an individual in monetary terms. If anyone wins the lottery then some of the percentage is funded to the government organizations, primary school and other institutions devoted for the development of society in various aspects like providing shelter, food and other kind of stuffs really necessitated by a common human being. This helps government in financial terms and improves the development rate of the country. Around 50 percent of the wining amount is donated to the several of institutions along with the government tax department to upgrade the economy rate of the country.

 More ahead in gambling context, lottery plays a great role. it is a form of gambling which involves the probability of winning a lot of prizes by investing small amount of money to buy a ticket and if your luck and predication works fine than you can easily make your wallet heavy. In the beginning of 90’s, lottery was forbidden by most of the governments whereas others endorse it to the extent level of the national organization.  It is common to find some degree of rules and regulations in the lottery but still you can find casinos in most part of the world. In 90th century, the gambling was under the law and most of the private bodies and organizations were permitted to run it in a particular time. These associations were required to submit the tax time to time to responsible departments as per the allocation and rules along with.

 Story doesn’t end here and lottery system further moved out towards the internet terms and now it is meant to say that anyone can buy the lottery ticket from the website of the particular organization and further you come to know about the status of the lottery ticket weather it is towards the winning or busting. The entire process not only reduces the man power but it also enhances the value of lottery system.

To play online lottery you have to register your information to the website so that you can further purchase your lottery and be able to obtain your winning amount with synced account. From the entire winning amount, winner only receives 50% and rest amount is donated for primary schools, government, institutions and tax revenue office. There is also a law in which if the winning prize is still unclaimed for 180 days then it is released to charitable trust that really benefits not only the government but society as well.


About the author:

The author of this article is a player of online lottery and purchases lottery ticket at and donates some amount of the winning money to the charitable trusts to help the needy persons.