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The lastest news on diablo 3 auction houses update has become announced on September 17, 2013, along with the shutdown will occur on March 18, 2014.

Why Ah are going to be moved?

As Blizzard said before, they wanted all players to kill monsters for getting cool loot but more and more players are buying and selling gears/gold via auction houses to produce benefits, which ultimately undermined Diablo’s core action. It is just a great ever decision on Diablo 3 to take out the auction houses. Everybody knows which the fee of real money acution home is the key salary of Blizzard on diabo 3, however they abandon all this for the better game environment. Hats off to Blizzard!

Buying/sell items if no acution house?

As we know that when there isn’t a auction houses any more, it’s hard and can take plenty of time for it to buy or sell the thing you need. If you would like buy a product, you may need shout inside general, trade or other channels. If you experience somebody that is willing to trade it, you can purchase it an inexpensive price, maybe, in case not, you need to pay more correctly. And as well, a few of the gold farmers sell items on gold auction house for diablo gold. However they should sell the things via shouting inside chat channels then or sell the items via any other methods like forum then.

Price changes on gold?

We, battlehome staff, believe that price are going to be falling quickly, nonetheless it just take a short time before rising again with the new 2.0 loot system and reaper of souls released. Currently, the of gems on asia server are rising, and even more players will store up some gems and other items prior to ah shutdown. Would you like to buy diablo 3 circumstances to store for any benifit?

battlehome always offers diablo 3 gold cheap

For those who have made a decision to store in the buy diablo gold but short in gold, just arrived at us, battlehome. We keep our price cheaper, service better, delivery faster than some other sites. And understand that our customized equipment set is going to be for sale soon. Gear up and wait for the modern age of Diablo 3.