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Deal More Damage with power level diablo 3

In Patch 2.0.1, except Cooldown Reduction, Area Damage has been introduced. With this powerful ability, players can gain more Diablo 3 items or gold with cheap diablo 3 paragon leveling now.
What is Area Damage?
Area Damage is a mechanic that has a 20% chance to deal X% damage to near enemies. That means, every time your character hit an enemy, all enemies with 10 yards have a 20% chance to get some attack damage. But the chance of Area Damage cannot be increased over 20%, and different item slots can make different levels of Area Damage, including weapons, rings, shoulders and gloves.
How it works
1. Area Damage is not affected by any damage modifiers like crit chance and crit damage, because AD has been filtered by damage modifiers.
2. AD will not damage the monster that activated it so that it is useless for boss fights. Since the monster that activates it has take some damage and would like to share some with his friends instead of himself.
3. Every time a monster takes damage, AD has a chance to activate.
4. AD will behave better when you fight against more mobs at the same moment and when you use AOE abilities.
5. AD cannot be procced from pet damage, Sweeping Winds, Thorn damage, Legendary items, or itself.
In a word, Area damage is essentially from the normal damage, and only can trigger 20%, but a good amount of AD is useful, especially to fight against larger group enemies.
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