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How to Use Awareness Effectively in FFXIV to Block/Parry Critical Hit?

Players have got various new contents like Alexander Gordias & Seal Rock that was alive in July, but there is still much concern on Awareness – a common skill to block and parry critical hit from raid bosses. Since there are some limits on using the skill, plus some bosses that have 0% critical hit chance, the skill has been treated as useless. However, there are more benefits to the cooldown than what players have known. And likewise, there are some tips on Safewow that players need to know when using Awareness.

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Awareness is a vital skill to block damage from critical hit in ffxiv

As the tooltip explained, Awareness nullifies chance of suffering critical damage. However, there’s more to the cooldown than what the tooltip suggests. Basically, when Awareness is active, enemy’s auto-attacks and special attacks can’t critically hit you, magic or physical. A mob’s critical hit does 50% bonus damage, and their crit rate generally seems to be approximately 10-12%. Critical hits are unable to be blocked and parried, so Awareness makes the function to provide higher opportunity to parry and block.
People have treated Awareness as useless since 2.1, especially when everyone thought that bosses never provide critical hit. However, on the one hand, crit rate of new raid bosses were increased a lot after second coil, which caused a big problem for players to block the damage. On the other hand, now with Raw Intuition, Awareness becomes more useful to smooth out certain areas and protect you from wasting ffxiv gil for unnecessary effort.

Pair with certain CDs to maximize the effectiveness of Awareness

Many players would complain that Awareness isn’t worth taking over other cross class skills for warrior. In fact, it is because of the lesser known benefit of Awareness – how it effects your parry and block rate. Since crit rate is based on RNG (random number generator), players can’t forecast how much damage will be mitigated. Thus, Awareness is commonly recommended to be used with other CD’s, but some CDs are more useful than others and there’s a certain degree of priority for pairing.
For example, it’s best to combo with Dark Dance for Dark Knight. And for Paladins it’s best with Bulwark, but for Warrior it’s best to use its synergy with Raw Intuition (100% parry rate from the front, no negative benefits of rare or flank critical damage). Since Warrior also receives a parry bonus from Wrath stacks, there is also a general synergy in your tank stance.

Awareness was never useless, it just usually. The thing about awareness is that people try to treat it like it’s a damage mitigation CD, but it doesn’t function like one; instead awareness is a counter to RNG at critical moments. Even though, it is a good skill when combo with other CDs effectively. Want to have a try after learning that? Safewow provides cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil with fast delivery to help you fight down bosses.

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