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Buy M[censored] Effect 2 Online - One Players Review

Thinking you might want to buy M[censored] Effect 2 online? I'll give you a quick rundown of some of the highlights and weaknesses of this game.

Best parts of ME 2

1. Character development.

This game, true to Bioware spirit, has a ton of great character development. These characters feel REAL. The way this happens is through loyalty missions.

The game sends you on a mission for each of the characters you acquire through the game. Basically this is a snapshot of the person's life. You get filled in on little details that make every character really come to life. It's one of my favorite parts of this game.

You also get the option of romancing certain characters as either male or female Shepard; the gender of your character determines who you get to romance.

2. Great story.

I love the story of M[censored] Effect 2 because it sucks you right in. From the first mission to the last mission, you feel like part of the action. One thing ME 1 missed out on was making you feel quite as "important" in the grand scheme of things. ME 2 is more kind of like Star Wars; you are out there, doing critical things to save the galaxy.

However you're also not tied down to the Alliance the way you were in the first game. So you have a lot more freedom.

3. Great graphics/UI.

The combat and graphics in this game are quite good. Maybe not as top notch as some games, but certainly improved compared to ME 1.

4. Great soundtrack.

I positively love the soundtrack of this game. In fact I love it so much that I downloaded it and started using it when I go out to exercise. Really amazing score, I'd say movie quality.

Now ME 2 isn't all great. There are some downsides such as...

1. Linearity.

While you do have a lot of flexibility in what missions you can do, you're pretty much confined to doing each one to pick up the different characters. You're required to go along this path in order to advance the story and ultimately beat the game.

You have freedom in terms of exploring the galaxy, but not so much when it comes to the story.

2. Not a whole lot of multiplayer interaction.

Now, you can of course get involved in the Bioware forums and stuff, but this is a single player game, so you have to play alone. Some folks get into modding and such but that's not for everyone. So if you play this game, plan on largely having to play by yourself.

Ultimately I think M[censored] Effect 2 is a fantastic game and worth every hour of gameplay you'll get out of it. It's also got great replay value thanks to the different classes you get to play, and of course male/female Shepard voice acting is different.

You also get to make different moral choices which affect the entire story and its outcomes. In addition, getting enough good/evil points will allow you extra options not available otherwise.