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How To Level Quickly In Cataclysm

It is possible to use the advice in this article throughout the entire game and not just in the cataclysm expansion. Whether you are new or experienced you will be able to see a benefit from following this advice.

You must get back into the level grind whenever you begin a new character or each time a new expansion is released. If your looking to level as quickly as possible you should look into following a leveling path, doing so will ensure that you utilize your efforts effectivly and level up in no time.

Personally while trying to level, you dont want to stress yourself with dungeon running. Even though it is great for gear, it takes to much time. Once you have reached level cap, you could then do every one of the dungeons.

You can develop an efficient leveling path quite easily, you only have to follow certain princibles. One of the key princibles is that you don't keep returning back to town, attempt to limit the return trips since it might take a great deal of time going backwards and forwards. Before you embark on your quests, empty your bags, fill up on equipment etc and get every quest that is available.

So much time is wasting by going back to the town after each quest, doing this can take you much longer to achieve level cap. It can however some times be avoided, however overall you could potentially be saving hours on every level.

Dont completely avoid grinding!

One thing that many individuals do is waste time waiting for a particular quest mob to spawn if another player has recently killed it, dont!. Instead grind mobs around that area until the quest mob has respawned, by doing this you'll get more experience in addition to equipment.

The third method does require you to have a higher level friend with you, although you must make sure you are not apart of a group. Enter a zone where the mobs are a much higher level and give you some excellent experience, attack them once so that you tag them - next you need your friend to attack them and kill them quickly, you will discover that you obtain the exp reward - doing this a couple of time helps boost your level.

These are just a few basic tips that could help you level much faster.

get from level 1-85 in no time by creating your own leveling path, or use a pre created one to guarantee you level as quickly as possible.