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Starcraft 2 Top Terran Unit Formations

No matter what race you use in Starcraft 2, you need to have a good strategy and unit formation for you to win. There are many strategies you can use to play this game. Some are widely known, while others remain a secret among individuals or a small group of players. Here we are going to look at some Starcraft 2 Top Terran Unit Formations.

Terran unit formations must be planned from the word go. As soon as the game starts, embark on building the units you require in your strategy. Your game plan should be dictated by the unit formation you are planning on using.

We'll be looking at one particular unit formation used by the Terrans. When the game begins, start building some SCVs. Afterwards, build a supply depot and then barracks. While the barracks are being built, train more SCVs to mine more minerals and get gas.

Once the barracks are complete, create a sizable number of marines. This will ensure that you are well defended for the time being. If facing against Zerg then build two supply depots and a barracks so as to block the ramp into and out of your base.

One unit you can really rely on to complement the marines is called the siege tank. You can only build it in the factory although you should also research the siege tech. Siege tanks can be used in two ways: as heavy support when in their mobile state or as a serious artillery piece when in siege mode.

They are best used as support artillery for your ground forces. However, sometimes they also come in handy as mob killers. In this case they are used to kill whole armies of lesser ground units.

One of the most dreaded unit formations in the game is known as the Terran Tank Push. This formation consists of five or more tanks together with marines and marauders progressing forward steadily. This formation can sometimes catch the enemy unawares. This is because the tanks have a wider attack range. Therefore, they hit the enemy units from a distance.

This formation is very effective, but also very vulnerable especially when under attack from air forces. So, units such as the mutalisks and broodlords can easily stop it. That is why you should have some anti-air units such as Vikings as well as a couple of SCVs for missile turret construction and repair.

This formation is usually very effective, but there are some facts about tanks you should note before embarking on it. First of all there are many ways of neutralizing tanks, they are slow when it comes to firing, they damage friendly units and cannot attack air targets. So, you should proceed with caution lest you end up caught out of position. Remember that there are also various other Terran unit formations that one can use in this game as well.