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Using Starcraft 2 Immortal Tactics

Most Protoss players like to play using many types of units. Of all units, Immortals are among the best but are usually utilized less than other units. It is quite a strong unit and many players do not use it appropriately. Listed below are strategies in relation to the use of this unit.

The Immortal is an unit featuring shields which are hardened. These shields limit the damage of any attacks over 10 damage to just 10 damage. As long as the shields are activated, it will only take 10 damages regardless of the damage it receives whether from a Roach acid spit or a siege tank.

The unit has what is known as bonus damage against armored units. This is to say that it damages any armored units quite a bit more than other unit types.

The Immortal is however weaker against non armored units and also light. This is why one should use the unit mostly if you want to take out any other high damage armored units.

It makes sense to use this tactic for the Immortal since it can hit such targets above its weight. Compared to the roach however one should consider that Roaches will cost a maximum of 75 mineral and 25 in gas, making a total of 100. An immortal will cost 250 minerals and 100 in gas, making a total of 350. It is therefore important to understand that this unit is quite expensive. It costs up to 3.5 Roaches!

If you want to use the strategies provided for this unit, you should know that they are slow and will not be good at kiting melee and short range units. They will therefore need a lot of backup and protection in order to make them effective in terms of cost. Remember they are expensive which means they need to be used only when necessary.

Immortals are in some cases over utilized in StarCraft 2. Many players use them without considering the high cost. If you must use them, ensure you make the most out of them. A low number of them with support are safe and effective since they are deadly especially to any armored army, but many of them without support will be ineffective especially for example when Zerg switches to massive amounts if light units such as Zerglings.

If you want to get better at this game, the advice is to have a few Immortals in the field mixed with your regular forces. They can be used to threaten heavier targets especially when they mix with Colossi. They should however be put in their own control group if you have wish to focus on attacking any armored units.