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Understanding Starcraft 2 Warp Prism Tactics

For Protoss players in Starcraft 2, Warp Prism tactics are just one of the many tactics used to get victory in this fast-paced science fiction strategy game. Given the broad range of Protoss options in this game, it is no surprise that many online websites and forums have emerged to offer critical gaming advice for Protoss players who want to develop their skills.

The Warp Prisms are one of quite a few tools available to the Protoss, who are one of the three main races featured in the Starcraft universe. This race is depicted as being the most technologically adept of the three, as well as being the possessors of powerful mental abilities and strong physical features.

The Warp Prisms are, as their name suggests, a form of air transport used by the Protoss to move battle units from one place to another. Players who understand how they work, and how they are made, will have an advantage when it comes to recognizing their true potential in any combat strategy. Upon examination, it becomes clear that these units are far more than they appear to be at first glance.

Not only are they capable of carrying as many as eight battle units at a time, but they can also be used as a mobile psionic matrix source. As such, these air units allow Protoss units to be warped to their location directly from the Warpgate structure. Protoss buildings can also be warped in by the probe near the Warp Prism which can also power these buildings like a Pylon.

From a tactical standpoint, these Warp Prisms can be extremely beneficial. When used in conjunction with Warp Gates, they can allow a player to am[censored] a huge number of units at one location in a hurry, and overwhelm an opponent with sheer force. Of course, as one might expect, this advantage is one that comes with a price. The Prisms are slow to move from one place to another, are fragile and require a great deal of resources to develop.

As a result of this development time, these units are rarely seen in early-game scenarios. Rather, they tend to appear in latter stages of any battle, after other critical forces have been warped in from the Robotics Facility. Once a player reaches the point where he can construct these units however, his strategies begin to take on a much more complex flavor.

These units are generally prized for their ability to effectively negate an opponent's defenses. They are often sneaked past opponent's outer defenses, and placed well within an enemy's territory. They are then used to bring troops directly into the enemy's base, from which they can launch attacks that often go undefended.