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Learning Some Starcraft 2 Forge Tactics

In every StarCraft 2 battle, each race will have buildings where weapons are upgraded. The enemy who does not upgrade their weapons is not only considered foolish but also reckless. If the Protoss combatant does not know what to create and upgrade in their battle, they can use an overseer to investigate the motives of the enemy. Starcraft 2 Forge tactics are all about when you should upgrade your weapons, shields and armor.

In order to build a forge, there is the prerequisite of the nexus that is needed. In this structure, the entire ground arsenal can be upgraded. All the necessary base ground upgrades take place in this facility. Unless you use the Forge as part of a wall in you should place it in a safe position as your opponent may target it to slow down your upgrades. The twilight council is required for upgrades past level one in the Forge structure.

For this structure to work, there is a need for power. The structure will only be able to research upgrades when powered by a pylon or Warp Prism. The warping of this structure also takes place only in places where the pylon or Warp Prism is the source of power. Without this component then there is no upgrading possible.

The Protoss player is able to create photon cannons that are helpful for reasons of defense once this structure has been warped in. For the cannons to be able to function, they should be within the proximity of a power source.

Photon cannons can also be warped in as a measure of security for the smart warrior. Photon cannons can also be warped in to attack undefended enemy expansions once a forward pylon has been placed.

With the forge in place the wise Protoss player can then proceed to organize for upgrades for their ground army. The cybernetics core should also be constructed early on. Once this building is also constructed it is possible for the Protoss player to research air unit upgrades. The player can build then stalkers and sentries.

Once the Protoss player has their defenses in place they can then move onto executing their overall strategy. The Starcraft 2 Forge tactics will help the Protoss combatant to meet the opposition with the necessary ground upgrades and defenses. When upgrading your ground army you should focus on attack and armor upgrades first, with shield upgrades being researched last.