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Protoss Starcraft 2 Warp Gate Tactics

There are many tactics to use in this game, but some of the most flexible would be Warp Gate tactics. The advantage of being able to appear wherever there is a Psionic matrix at any moment in time is a benefit for those who are trying to win the game. This can be a very strong offensive or defensive tool for the Protoss when in combat with the other players in the game.

To reduce the time it will take to produce an unit a person can use the Warp Gate's cool down mechanic. This can give the player an advantage by first warping in an unit and then cooling down before another unit can be warped in. This gives an advantage over conventional gates when in battle with other players.

When the player is warping in an unit, the unit has a weakness that can be exploited by the other player. The first exploit is that they can launch a direct attack at the gate and stop the process. When an unit is warping in they are building their shields and other defenses and cannot move or attack. This makes them a perfect target while they are warping in.

The next exploit that can occur is when an unit is warping into an area that suddenly loses its Psionic matrix. If the pylon or warp prism that is supporting the power for the gate is destro[censored] , then the unit that is warping in will be destro[censored] as well although the funds spent are refunded. This can cause a big problem for other units that require support in the area as well when the pylon is destro[censored] .

These disruptions to units that are warping in can cause a break down in the tactics of the Protoss player if they aren't alert.

The tactic known as the four gate rush or 4gate can be a formidable attack if not scouted by the enemy. This attack is common for those who are looking to end the game quickly. Timing Warp Gate Technology can give a Protoss player a great advantage when deploying their troops to forward positions. This can allow them to mount a successful attack against an opponent. The normal number of gates that can use this tactic is four, hence the name.

When the rush occurs the player should have three gates warping in when the research is around thirty percent. This can happen if you Crono Boost the Warp Gate research technology when playing the game. The gates will be finished by the time the research is done. This is when a player must be prepared and act quickly.

The advantage of this attack is that it allows the person to warp in their units during the game. If the Protoss player is not going to Crono Boost the research, then they should do their three gates at fifty percent of their research. The use of this tactic can be a great strategy for the individual who is playing as the Protoss.