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Some Good Starcraft 2 Robotics Facility Tactics

The robo is the building in which more advanced units are created. There are a number of units that can be made by this structure. Among the creations that come from this structure are the immortal, the colossus and the warp prism. Indeed there are also the vital units such as the observer. Starcraft 2 Robotics Facility tactics will help advise Protoss players on which units to deploy and when to do so.

The units that are warped in by the structure of the robo are vital in the attacks to be launched against the opposition. The first unit that is normally produced from this structure is the observer.

The role of the observer as an unit is to keep watch for cloaked units as well as to observe the weaknesses of the opponent. Such weaknesses are then reported to the wise Protoss player for further direction on how to proceed. If the news of the enemy's maneuver is threatening to the Protoss player he/she is well prepared to assault the enemy before they launch their own attack.

Observers are used as good scouting units. They are able to follow the opposing enemy keenly and to consequently deliver news of their maneuvers if any. Though the observer is keen enough, it must guard against the equally keen enemy. Loss of the observer from careless deployment is possible.

Another kind of unit that can be produced from this structure is the immortal.

As the name suggests these units are very hardy. They have lethal power and are deadly in the destruction of the enemy's defenses and armored units. When these units are used they are intended to weaken the opponent's stronger forces and to destroy buildings.

There is also the warp prism unit to consider. This unit can be the deadliest of them all when used correctly. By employing this unit one is able to transport troops to areas where they are most needed. This unit is helpful in all match ups in various ways. Though it is not an assault unit it carries the units into the targeted area and can also pick them back up.

The warp prism is very useful for harassment. It can drop off units as well as allow more to be warped into its location. The use of this unit is more or less to do economic damage to the enemy and force them to focus more on the defense of their bases. The other valuable use of this unit is to act as a general forward staging platform for warping in units that is also mobile unlike the pylon.

The last unit warped in from this structure that is also vital to victory is the colossus. The range on this unit is good but it can be upgraded so that the colossus can engage from a safe distance. Indeed with a functional unit of this kind a lot of damage can be inflicted upon the enemy.