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Learn Effective Starcraft 2 Battlecruiser Tactics

Many Terran players have devoted themselves to learning the latest Starcraft 2 Battlecruiser tactics to better master the finer points of using this powerful game unit. Though widely regarded as being among the most powerful of the game's air units, there are enough disadvantages to the unit to make it one of the more difficult weapons to manage in competitive play.

Some Terran players select that race at the onset of the game precisely because of the existence of units such as this one. Unfortunately, many beginning players soon discover that it is not an easy weapon to make or strategically implement on a regular basis. It is expensive, time-consuming to build, and has a very high supply need. Despite those drawbacks, there is no question about its effectiveness when it is used.

This is certainly true when the Yamato Cannon is added to its arsenal. This gun does a tremendous amount of damage to enemy units, and has been credited with turning the tide of many battles when used properly by a committed player. A sufficiently-upgraded battlecruiser with the Yamato Cannon can wreak havoc on nearly any assemblage of enemy forces that dares to confront it.

It is crucial to recognize that these units do not appear in the opening salvos of any game, since there is a lengthy series of technologies that must be developed before the Fusion Core, Starport, and Tech Lab are available for their manufacture. Even after it is produced, the battlecruiser is slow on the battlefield. Fortunately, it makes up for that weakness with its high health and damage capabilities.

The key for players using these units is to recognize when they are appropriate in any given situation. Though their firepower can be effective in achieving air and ground superiority, the slow development time means that opponents can overwhelm the cruisers with large numbers of smaller air units. There are also air units that enjoy superior ranged firepower, and can thus destroy these units while still remaining out of range of the main weaponry.

As a general rule, the only truly effective way to utilize these units is in concert with other troops. These additional troops can help to protect the unit from being overwhelmed by superior numbers of lesser craft, and help to ensure that the big guns survive long enough to inflict heavy casualties upon the enemy forces.

Among the best times for implementing these battlecruisers is during any end game situation in which the player has a noticeable advantage. Often times, the introduction of a formidable battlecruiser force will tilt the battle so decisively that the opponent will have no real possibility of recovering from the onslaught. Many a victory has been irrevocably sealed once a group of these units has entered the fray.

Like other units in StarCraft 2, there is much to learn about the proper role for this weapon in any comprehensive player strategy. Players are encouraged to study the subject at other forums online, and to practice a variety of Starcraft 2 Battlecruiser tactics to determine which ones are the most effective for any style of game play.