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Facts About StarCraft 2 Stalker Tactics

StarCraft 2 Stalker tactics are very important to know for Protoss players in this game. This unit is a rather basic unit that is warped in from the Gateway however it also requires the Cybernetics Core to be built.

The Stalker is a fast moving ranged unit that can attack both air and ground targets. In this respect it is similar to a Terran Marine unit however one should note that Point Defense Drones can intercept this unit's projectiles.

As the unit has a fast movement speed coupled with regenerating shields it is suggested that you use this unit for hit and run tactics, retreating from the enemy once the unit's shields are depleted.

An important ability to research for the Stalker would be Blink. This ability is researched from the Twilight Council. This ability teleports the Stalker to a location close by provided that it is not obscured from the Protoss player's vision.

The blink ability allows Stalkers to blink forward to chase units, the teleport over impassable terrain such as cliffs and also to retreat when damaged. When engaging in an army versus army battle it's prudent to blink the injured Stalkers behind your lines so that they can replenish their shields.

Stalkers can also blink up cliffs provided that the area on the cliff is not in the fog of war. An air unit such as an Observer will be able to spot the high ground in order for the Stalker to blink on top of the cliff.

The Stalker does additional damage to armored units such as Marauders and Roaches, however it is a relatively fragile unit. Generally you would want to bring along some Sentries and Immortals with the Stalkers against Terran opponents; against Zerg opponents you would want to bring along some Sentries and Zealots.

When fighting another Protoss opponent the Stalker starts to lose its effectiveness when the Colossus or High Templar are deplo[censored] due to their area of effect damage. Stalkers are still useful against Protoss opponents due to their versatility and ability to engage enemy air units.

When playing against a Terran opponent early on the Stalker is a bit tricky to use without the blink upgrade. It has a higher movement speed than Terran infantry units however the Marauders Concussive S[censored] ability will slow this speedy unit to a crawl. Stalkers in the early game are good against Reapers, [censored] ions and air units however.

If you're up against a Zerg opponent you must always remember to train some Zealots to form a front line for your Stalkers to hide behind. Stalkers would also be used to keep Zerg air units at bay, especially when advanced units such as Brood Lords come into play. While some ground units may have trouble getting to the Brood Lord the Stalker can simply blink near these air units to take them out.

As you can see the Protoss Stalker unit is a rather versatile unit that can be useful throughout the game provided that it has adequate upgrades and micromanagement. One must remember that Stalkers are still relatively fragile and expensive; this means that they need to be protected and managed well to make the most of them.