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Using Starcraft 2 Planetary Fortress Tactics

The planetary fortress is a new structure available to the Terran army in StarCraft 2. It is one of the most important structures available for Terran players. It has new and advanced features and powerful abilities. These Starcraft 2 Planetary Fortress tactics will assist you in winning the game against an opponent.

Players should first understand the techniques the opponent has put in place. With this in mind, you are able to use better strategies. If your opponent is not being too aggressive then sometimes you could afford to upgrade your forward-positioned command center into an orbital command rather than a planetary fortress.

The planetary fortress is an upgrade for the command center which costs 150 minerals and 150 gas. It also needs an engineering bay to be constructed beforehand. This structure benefits from the Hi-Sec Auto Tracking upgrade researched at the engineering bay which increases its attack range by one.

The planetary fortress comes with ground attack cannons that inflict splash damage on enemy units without harming friendly units. This structure is commonly used in remote expansions although it can also be used as static defense to cover choke points late in the game. Keep in mind that this structure cannot lift off once completed and does not confer the economic benefits of the orbital command.

There is a particular cheese strategy that Terran players can use that involves this structure. The first step in this particular strategy is constructing a hidden command center near the enemy base as well as an engineering bay. After the engineering bay is complete you can then lift off and land the command center in the heart of the enemy's base. Once the command center has landed it is then upgraded into a planetary fortress, with optional SCVs being used to repair the building. This tactic enables you to use the planetary fortress offensively to destroy the base of your enemy completely.

Keep in mind that this strategy is much harder to execute against a Terran opponent as they can lift off their structures and land somewhere else while the planetary fortress is being created. The strategy is also difficult to execute against a Zerg player as Terran buildings cannot land on creep. The strategy is most ideal against a Protoss opponent.

While playing online you should take note of the economic status of your enemy. You can out-macro your enemy by expanding aggressively. Planetary fortresses can then be used to help secure your expansions. Players with good micro management skills also have an advantage against the enemy. The aforementioned Starcraft 2 planetary fortress tactics will assist you in winning the game both online and offline.