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The Starcraft 2 Infestor Tactics

The Zerg infestor has a variety of uses when playing online. This unit does not have a conventional attack of its own however it does have a variety of offensive spells that are usually useful in any match up. The perform at their peak when supporting other Zerg units.

Infestors have rather curious attributes in that they are armored biological units with only 90 hit points of health. This means that units such as siege tanks, marauders and immortals inflict additional damage against them however the infestor does not have the health to absorb many such attacks. They are also vulnerable to the Ghost which can use its Snipe ability on biological units.

This is a very unique kind of unit. The first spell available is the Infested Terrans spell. Once activated the infestor spawns an egg at the targetted position. The egg then hatches into an infested terran. These infested marines are very slow. However they can target both air and ground targets. Infested terrans die after a short while however they can wreak havoc on enemy units and structures in groups. One should note that one infestor with full energy can generate eight of these infested units in just a few seconds.

Once Burrow is researched infestors can burrow and tunnel underground. They can also launch infested terrans from underground as well. You can use burrowed infestors to for example sneak into enemy expansions in order to target vulnerable buildings and workers.

The infestor can also be used to dispatch groups of enemy ground and air units through the use of the Fungal Growth ability. This ability locks enemy units in place within an area and does damage to them over time with additional damage being inflicted upon armored units.

You could for example first ambush enemy units and use fungal growth to lock their units in place. While you do this, you could create some infested Terrans to inflict additional damage. With enough infestors fungal growth can be used multiple times of groups of enemies to wear them down and eventually kill them off.

The infestors have a third ability which needs to be researched before it can be used. This ability is known as Neural Parasite. This ability allows the infestor to take control of an enemy unit for a limited duration. It is best used against expensive units such as spell casters. Before creating your first infestors make sure to get the Pathogen Glands upgrade beforehand in order to increase their starting energy by 25.

Zerg infestor tactics require you to be very keen and to micro your infestors well. Any slight mistake may cost you dearly and may even lose the game for you.