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The Basics Of Starcraft 2 Zergling Tactics

There are many different Zergling tactics, but none are more noteworthy than the classic "Zergling rush", a tactic which has transcended the game world itself and entered into the everyday phrase books of society. When it comes to in game tactics, none are as iconic as the Zergling rush, making the Zergling an interesting unit to say the least, it is certainly one of the staple characters of the franchise, hands down.

The most po[censored] r tactic these little critters are involved in are early game "rushes", meaning early game attacks. Being one of the cheapest units to recruit and one of the easiest to recruit at that, the Zergling is synonymous with early game victories. In fact they are the quintessential unit for early game victories.

These units are cheap and powerful in large numbers, they are best used in groups with a good number of the Roach unit and with some Hydralisk units for good measure. Although they are quick to build, easy to mass, and effective at swarming ground units, their limited to attacking only that unit type and therefore they are not without their disadvantages.

Although vulnerable to air units, and units that can produce large area of attack damage, Zerglings are quick and can evade enemies once the Metabolic Boost upgrade is researched. They can also burrow once the proper upgrade is researched. In large numbers they can be devastating and if a Zerg player has a large enough production capacity, waves of these critters can be sent one after the other to batter down an opposing players structures and workers ignoring enemy units as they do so.

Upgrades allow for these units to move faster, but they have been significantly scaled down in the latest installment of this game franchise and are now slightly slower than in previous titles.

A Siege Tank in Siege Mode, however, as well as Reaper units, can decimate large numbers of these creatures with ease and, as they are powerless against air units, even lower leveled air units capable of attacking ground units can take out large numbers of these creatures, depending on the cir[censored] stances.

Zerglings are rather ineffective against walled in opponents as their attacks are best reserved for encounters which favors their ability to swarm and outnumber their opponents. Attacking walled in settlements can be difficult for these units as one by one they can be destro[censored] with ease. This basic unit can remain effective from early to late game although they require the Adrenal Glands upgrade which decreases their attack cool down to maintain effectiveness.

In Starcraft 2 Zergling units can be upgraded into Baneling units, a newly introduced unit. These units act as landmines, or suicidal bombers and are effective on pretty much anything in game, from buildings to units alike. These units certainly add a dimension to the strategic value of Zerglings and can burrow under the ground, able to lay in wait for enemy opponents to get near them. A surprise Baneling attack can be devastating.