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New Starcraft 2 Hive Tactics

Knowing various Zerg Hive tactics will help you out when playing as the Zerg in the late game. It is difficult to change to this sort of thinking but it can help you to beat the game.

The Hive is the upgraded version of the Lair structure which in turn is an upgraded version of the Hatchery. The Hive unlocks third tier Zerg buildings and upgrades. The Hive provides additional hit points and vision over the Lair structure.

Just like the Lair the Hive allows for research of the Burrow, Pneumatized Carapace and Ventral Sacs upgrades. It also retains the abilities of the Lair and the Hatchery structures.

In order to upgrade from a Lair into a Hive you will also need to have built an Infestation Pit as well. The cost to upgrade into a Hive from a Lair is 200 minerals and 150 gas. Given the expenses in upgrading to this structure you should protect it as well as possible as it will take a considerable amount of resources and time to get another Hive from scratch if your original one is destro[censored] .

The Hive allows for level three upgrades to be researched at the Spire and Evolution Chamber. It also allows for Adrenal Glands to be researched at the Spawning Pool. This is an important upgrade for Zerglings as it increases their attack rate which allows them to stay viable right up until the end game.

This structure also allows for two other Zerg buildings to be created. The first building enabled is the Ultralisk Cavern. The Ultralisk Cavern is required in order for the Zerg to produce expensive Ultralisks. Ultralisks are massive melee ground units which inflict splash damage on other ground units.

The second building allowed by the Hive is the Greater Spire. This structure is an upgraded version of the Spire and it allows for Brood Lords to be produced. Brood Lords are a massive air unit that can bombard enemy ground targets from afar by spawning Broodlings which attack ferociously before expiring. Brood Lords can lay waste to enemy bases provided that they are properly supported.

There are many different forums and bulletin boards online that are available to help you with Hive tactics if you need further assistance. You can also find out what other players are having problems with and how they are overcoming them. The best way to become proficient as a Zerg player however is of course to practice playing against other players online.