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Tips For Starcraft 2 General Unit Positioning

With any strategy game there are different aspects to consider. One vital part is where your various units are positioned in order to gain a strategic advantage over the enemy. In Starcraft 2 general unit positioning is very important and you should know ways to maximize their efficiency and reduce any potential risks to your units.

You often need to react quickly to situations and in some scenarios a second can make all the difference, so anything that can save time in the game can be vital. Rather than clicking on each individual you should drag a selection box around a number of them in order to save time. If you hold the shift key while left clicking you add or subtract an unit from the selection according to the needs of a specific situation. For example you may want to have more units defending a position or you may want more for an all out attack.

One thing to be aware of is what happens to your units when you move between different locations. If this is a concern there is an option to ensure that they attack enemies while heading towards a location. You do this with the attack command, clicking on the ground and pressing shift.

If you want units to patrol a certain area then you should press shift while selecting specific destination points. Like any good manager you can also delegate units to move around other ones.

Part of strategy is also about thinking ahead and anti[censored] ting any potential cir[censored] stances that could potentially arise. It can be easy to focus on the attack or holding your position without thinking about production. For example if you are in the process of finishing off a refinery then you should then start directing workers towards the newly built structure. If you do this just before the building is finished you will have gas harvesting as soon as it is finished.

When coming up with a strategy it is also crucial to make sure that your units are up to the job. By default, pressing ALT will show you all the health bars of your various units. This should give you an idea of who is more vulnerable and who you can risk in a more dangerous and aggressive assault.

If you want to choose one unit to command more closely left click the mouse on the picture of a specific unit when you have a group selected. This will follow them specifically, allowing you a more direct view of their assigned tasks, available energy and other attributes.

With Starcraft 2 general unit positioning you need to be aware of the unit positioning of your opponent. A good way to learn it to practice against other people online and check your replays. This will help you formulate strategies for potential incidents in the game and get the most from your units.