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Advice On Breaking Walls In Starcraft 2 As Zerg

While wandering around and scouting, a Zerg player may find that their enemy is building what's called a wall. In Starcraft 2 breaking walls as the Zerg can be dangerous, however there are ways to get it done.

The Zerg are a conquering swarm of creatures that infest other races and take on their biology, adapting it to their own needs. They are a rather interesting faction to play in this online game.

The goal of a StarCraft 2 game as the Zerg is to control the map and thus, the resources. Every faction in this game relies on resources to win and the player that can take over the most resources can build the most offensive and defensive units, as well as cripple their opponent.

Each player starts a game with an initial building site. However, most will not stay at this single location. Every map has what is called a natural expansion. This is the place where it's expected the players will expand to. There is always a natural near the original build site or close enough that if a player is familiar with a map, they can tell where their own natural is and where their opponent's should be.

The natural expansion spot is usually the focus of what is often called a wall. Typically the maps will have non-build-upon spots around a choke point. This could include a cliff face or other physical obstacle. The person using that natural will want to build a wall in at this choke point to keep their Zerg enemies from taking over those needed resources.

Zerg players have a great method of how to overcome a wall in. The best thing to do is to begin focusing on the expansion immediately, rather than worrying about too many personal upgrades to the Zerg forces. Create two teams of Zerglings and send them to a position near the wall in.

Once at the wall in, the first team of Zerglings should be morphed into Banelings with the exception of a few Zerglings to act as damage soakers. The first team should be sent to create a hole in the enemy's wall in with the supporting Zerglings leading the charge to absorb the damage for the Banelings. The second team can then rush in through the hole in the wall in and begin to har[censored] and destroy the other player's buildings, units and workers, helping prevent the collection of resources and thus causing massive amounts of damage to the opponent.

Breaking walls as the Zerg is a common tactic. If a player isn't sure about using it, an alternate choice to winning the game is to use overlords to drop speed researched Banelings down onto the expansion or main base of the enemy. The Banelings should then be used against the opponent's workers and buildings.