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Starcraft 2 Protoss Breaking Walls Tactics

One of the common strategies in StarCraft 2 is known as the wall-in. It can be used with any race, therefore, it is important for you to know how to counter it. Some of the Starcraft 2 Protoss breaking walls tactics are discussed below.

The wall-in strategy mainly involves using buildings to create a wall around your units so as to protect them from ground attacks. This strategy is common among Terran players. This is because their buildings can be lifted which allows you to easily remove the buildings from the wall in when you need to. In other races, you have to destroy one of the buildings so as to let the units out with the exception of Zerg Spore and Spine Crawlers.

Therefore, it is important for Protoss players to know how to break this wall in especially when used by the Terrans. Knowing this would deliver the Terrans a big blow, because they mostly use this strategy to protect their most powerful units, for example the siege tanks. So infiltrating their walls will ensure that you reach these units and be in a position to destroy them.

The reason why many Protoss do not use this strategy is because their buildings are not mobile. In addition to this, Terran units that have a great range of attack such as siege tanks can easily destroy the walls from a safe distance. So, the only option left for the Protoss players is to destroy their enemies walls.

There are several units that you can use to destroy walls that belong to your enemies. One of them is the void ray. Due to its long range, this unit can be used against an enemy wall. It can safely attack the wall-in from a distance, ensuring that it is far from enemy fire by the marines that defend the wall. You should build a couple of pylons to help warp in units when attacking as well.

Sometimes, the players can create a wall of weaker buildings so as to give one a sense of security. This type of wall can be easily destro[censored] by weaker units. That is why many Terran players use barracks and factories to create their wall-in. These buildings are very difficult to destroy. So choose your wall in counter units very carefully, since underestimating the wall strength can cost you a game.

Another strategy you can use to break Terran walls as a Protoss is by using stalkers. It is simple, all you need to do is move an Observer in front so as to obtain vision of the high ground and go in with your stalkers.

To do this effectively you must make sure that you have eight or ten stalkers before the enemy has advanced too much themselves.