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Starcraft 2 Strategy For The Protoss 4 Gate Build

You can easily learn how to play Starcraft 2 as the Protoss. The beauty of this game is that it allows for a variety of strategies to be used. It is also rather simple to play especially for beginners.

The recommended start is to attempt to block or wall off your entry ramp using a Cybernetics Core and a Gateway. A Zealot will then be used to complete the wall in. Keep in mind that eventually all four Gateways will be upgraded into Warpgates so that the player can ensure a continuous and successful warping in of combat units to the front lines.

Depending on the opponent's aggressiveness the player should endeavor to acquire a Sentry in the early part of the game. The Sentry will take up time beforehand to fill up its energy reserves. Get the Sentry early if the enemy attacks and you will also have some backup before the other units are completed.

Ensure that the Warp Gate tech at the Cybernetics Core is finished before you start building your 2nd, 3rd and 4th Gateways. Immediately transform the Gateways into Warpgates and warp in your first lot of units before you decide to move in for the actual fight. As one attacks the enemy, they should have a small number of stalkers and sentries kept at their base. This enables the Protoss player to ward off enemy harassing units. You should also create a proxy Pylon near the enemy's base to allow for quicker reinforcement.

The most important part is walling off the access ramp to your main base and trying to conceal the four Gateways as well. This will basically make sure the opponent will not to able to gain access to the Protoss player's main base without significant forces. This tactic works best when used against the Zerg opponent. This is because when attacked, Zerg players will attempt to attack with Zerglings which will not be able to surround your forces that well because of the ramp block off.

Protoss players must make sure to use their Chrono Boost on the Warp Gate tech upgrade that is being done at the Cybernetics Core. As soon as the Warp Gate upgrade ends and the four first new units have been warped in, any remaining Chrono Boost energy should be spent on the Warp Gates to get units as quickly as possible. When the cool down of a Warp Gate is complete, ensure that more units are warped in.

When building the proxy Pylon outside the enemy base, make sure to defend the Probe. The probe should not be sniped off before warping in the Pylon.

Many people will agree that the 4-Gate build can be very effective depending on the opponent and the map.