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StarCraft 2 Beginners Guide

Those who are just starting out with a new video game can often find it complicated without help. There are guides for this purpose, so that the new player can find their footing. This is no different with StarCraft 2. This StarCraft 2 beginners guide will help you understand the game and learn all of the basics to help you play.

Since this game can be quite complex, it might be that even more experienced players might feel that they benefit from a guide. To begin with, there are several different things to consider. There is the race, first of all, and whichever you choose will affect what you can and cannot do during game play.

The first race is the Terrans, which are the humans of the game. Many new players tend to start with Terrans for this reason. This is probably because the way that the Terrans fight and the weapons used are more reminiscent of other games. A new player might find they work better with them to begin with because they are used to playing with similar units.

They are also quite versatile, which is an advantage, particularly later in the game where it can be more complicated. They also have strong defensive capabilities, which is also useful for a beginner. This is because you have more time, this way, to react to an enemy attack before all of your units and buildings are killed.

Of course, strong defense is usually a good thing. However, strong features are usually balanced by weaknesses. In this case, while the Terrans are good to play for beginners in lower levels, things can become more difficult later on. This is due to the fact that there are weaknesses to some of the units that become to be easily exploited by enemies.

The Protoss are the second race, and these are an ancient and powerful civilization. Whereas the Terrans have good defense, the Protoss are very powerful in their units that have a shorter range. You can also do other things such as build multiple structures and use and regenerate plasma shields.

There are also some effective spells to be utilized. However, on the other hand, the Protoss strategies can be expensive to execute in game, and it may prove very difficult when you run out of resources. Still, there are lots of interesting and effective strategies to be used with this race and it can be fun working them out. You should, though, keep in mind that healing can be difficult and that plasma shields can be easily broken by the opponent.

The third race is the Zerg, and these are the most alien of all. This extends into how difficult they are to play, too. They do have advantages, though, such as having cheaper and faster units, which will help with outmaneuvering the opponent. The unit production is also very fast, which means that there is less chance of you being caught without enough units. However, this is, yet again, counteracted by the fact that those units are much weaker than the other races, so there needs to be a lot of them.