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Starcraft 2 Scouting Guide

In any war, there is a need for proper scouting. There is no way that battle is won without strategy. In all aspects of life, there is a need for strategy. The best strategy is the one that wins one the battle or the game in this case. To be able to anti[censored] te the maneuvers of the enemy it is necessary to scout the enemy in StarCraft 2.

When one is in war, they need to scout ; to scout is to employ spies to be able to learn the enemy's play styles and plans. The value of this strategy is that it provides for predictability. When the warring enemies are able to predict each others maneuvers then the war is likely to be fast and furious. The employment of spies is a vital strategy to the wise combatant.

Another importance of scouting units is that they enlighten the wise tactician on the methodologies of the enemy. If the enemy is more advanced in terms of weapons, then the wise combatant will know how to react to his/her weakness. The strategy can be to avoid him/her in a face off or to strike when he/she is not on guard.

The recommended scouting missions are the ones that are not detected by the enemy. For Zerg using burrowed Roaches, Infestors or Changelings would allow them to scout the enemy provided that they do not have detection. These units will move in and get all the enemies defensive and offensive ploys without being detected.

Various types of units can be used to scout. Indeed there are those who are seen and there are those that are cloaked or otherwise disguised. Those who are not seen are the most dangerous of them all.

The most obvious of the spying strategies is the use of the air units. Though they are spotted in their scouting mission with the exception of the cloaked Banshee, they are usually too fast to be intercepted. By the time the enemy realizes that they are there, they can retreat.

The purpose of any scouting mission is to discover the enemy's plans. What the game plan of the enemy is will help the prudent combatant to prepare adequately. The wise warrior will not be caught pants down. As the enemy's weaknesses are sought his/her strategy is learned in a way that will eventually ensure they are crushed.

The application of this tactic by the wily player will ensure that victory is easier to achieve. However, when all players are scouting their opponents then a little bit more will be required to win the game such as the use of deceit.