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Youzu, A Rapidly Rising Gaming Company

Youzu Interactive Co. Ltd.,  A well known creator, developer and publisher of continuously rising online and mobile games, mostly  multiplayer online games in China and effectively released its games in over 70 countries and regions with 20 different languages. This multiple award-winning company produced MMORPG’s and strategy games to gamers worldwide. It is also the first local A-share gaming company in China. The company is led by Lin Qi who started making waves in the world of browser games in 2009.


One of the well known games under Youzu is League of Angels, which produced a massive amount of $25 million on its monthly basis. With also the release ofYouth of Three Kingdoms in the market, it has been rewarded as one of the top 10 grossing game in China.Youzu Interactive operates within five major sectors and these are Mobile games, browser games, distribution, and even overseas business. For almost 6 years of hard work and dedication in the gaming industry, Youzu has developed ias one of the top 3 contenders for  browser game publishers with an estimated $135.24 million yearly revenue dated last 2014.

What is the catalyst for the growth of Youzu Interactive? The company reflects a systemized handling of their operation, distribution and promotion of their product giving them credibility and being known for having a good business ethics. They have set up a goal and vision that in 2015, this year, they would expand and develop to reach not only locally but globally. With these in mind they were able to connect, share and introduce Chinese and Asian market in Western games.


As former Sony President and CEO Nobuyuki Idei signed a contract for Youzu as being their consultant, their partnership would deeply generate a lot of new ideas and operation strategy that can expect a great outcome. Since, global publishing and distribution is one of their key approaches, cooperating with other gaming companies and other partnerships led to them to collaborate with Google. With their collaboration in place, they set up their common goals and vision that launch innovative and new approach in gaming world. Google also became one of the important partners in terms of creating marketing strategies that ca span not only in China but overseas.


Yoozoo doesn’t only focus on games but also in movies. There had been an issued statement that the company would have an arrangement with Hollywood with the task in mind of introducing Hollywood movies to China and vice versa. With the overwhelming growth of the company, they work their way to its global operation that includes film, animation and other forms of entertainment. What is the secret of their success? It might be because of the high quality that they offer for the gamers out there. Considering that China is huge target market, it would be difficult to penetrate and advertise their game if they don’t standout. They understand what the local and global market needs; using top-notch games that you can’t just pass by. With their outstanding track record in terms of global game release, they just continue to solidify their name in every gaming household out there.


With the promise of Youzu that the company would provide high-quality games, it is a one company anyone should always look out for.


To know more visit online resource for more information for lin qi youzu and enterpreneur lin qi .